Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Using HTML

Using HTML for web design
In this tutorial we learnt the process of making a basic website using HTML code in Adobe Dreamweaver. We covered how to set-up new pages, create link to pages, using tables, inserting images and previewing the website in your browser. 

First of all you should go File > new > HTML

Now go Site > New Site give it a name and select a root folder for it (The folder can be anywhere)

Make sure to re-name your documents at save them, or else this will look unprofessional on the final website. The first document should be a index.html always, this is the home of your website. 

Create as many more pages as you want and repeat the process, in this case I've created an 'About' and 'Contact' page.

At this stage go to insert > table and change the settings as you wish and hit 'OK', this should create a table on the document you are on.

You can now also import images to the document by saving them to your root folder (The one you made at the start), they should now appear in the library - if not refresh with 'F5'.

You can now drag the images from the library into the cells in the table, as shown here. In this case I used some .Gifs I got online. You should be able to see them there. 

Now, I create a new HTML page called 'Large_01' and place a large image here from my library. 

I head back to my other page (About page) and go Window > Behaviour. This should open a new tab on the right, now you can click the small + icon and choose 'Open browser window' with one of the cell selected. This should open a window of options, in the 'URL to Display' browse to the 'Large_01' HTML we made, this creates a link between the two. You can change the other settings if you wish. 

To make the audience aware we can click on the small image, we add a '#' to the Link tab in the bottom tool bar as shown in this image. Now a hand-cursor will appear when you roll over it. 

Now if you preview it by click the small globe icon at the top tool bar then > Preview in Chrome etc.. You will see a working draft of your website and you now should be able to click one of the images and make a new larger image of it pop up in a new window. 

If you want to you can create new page, call them what you want. Then back on your index page, you can create links to your other pages byconnecting them on the 'Links' toolbar a the bottom of the page - you can have as many as you want.

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